Not all briquettes are the same! We’ve taken a lot of trouble to find what we consider to be the best briquettes on the market, in terms of both heat output and value for money.
The briquettes we’ve selected have an extremely low moisture content and throw out huge amounts of heat. They are simply made from mechanically compressed wood. No glue, no additives: just 100% wood.
In terms of price per unit of heat energy, we believe briquettes offer the most heat for your money.
Choose from 20kg bags, or the smaller and easier to handle 10kg bags.
These excellent small wood briquettes are made from 100% natural, recycled softwood dust. They’re very easy to light and they give you very high heat very quickly with very low emissions and low ash residue.
On average, they are about the same size as your fist. They contain a higher proportion of wood dust than most briquettes we’ve seen which makes for a dense and long-burning product.
With less than 10% moisture content, they burn really well and give out approx 50% more heat by weight than our seasoned logs. They can be used on their own or mixed in with logs and are particularly useful for getting the fire started and quickly up to temperature or whenever you need a quick heat boost from the fire.
A great recycled product and great value for money. Packed for convenience in large 20kg plastic sacks.
Read more about how to use Hotmax on their official site
IMPORTANT NOTE ON STORAGE: because these briquettes are so dry, they readily absorb water which then makes them crumble apart. It’s therefore very important to ensure the sacks of briquettes are stored in a dry place – please don’t rely on the packaging to keep the briquettes dry if left outside in the rain. The plastic sacks can be easily torn or punctured.
RM (verified owner)
The briquettes are excellent!
TW (verified owner)
The briquettes are also very good quality and long-lasting, producing a lot of heat.
DL (verified owner)
Lights very easily, very little smoke and burns well…
KB (verified owner)
Great quality, and very fast delivery!
SC (verified owner)
the new formulation HotMax is even better than before
RN (verified owner)
All good thanks!
J (verified owner)
I agree with previous comments that these are good and give lots of heat. I would add two practical tips on using them. First, they expand a lot on burning, maybe 40 – 50%, so don’t cram them in. Second, unlike logs which burn from the outside in they burn throughout ending up like a red hot sponge. Then they collapse suddenly into fine ash, whereas a log breaks up into burning embers. So don’t wait until they collapse before adding new fuel or it may not catch easily. Don’t let this put you off, they are really effective particularly when used with logs.
DK (verified owner)
Great service, prompt delivery and quick response to any quueries.
These are really really good. They burn exceptionally well, giving off a lot of heat and lasting a long time. Using them together with logs can make the logs go further and can help get a fire going on cold, wintery days when it just doesn’t seem to take.
Note, you have to keep them indoors in a dry space but as you only need 2 or 3 per fire, one bag can last a couple of weeks or more.
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Delivery is always quick, drivers are always helpful, good quality firewood and great service.