How Much Wood to Order? We often get asked: “I’m not sure how much firewood I need to order to last me over the winter?” We have a rule of thumb which may be helpful. Many of our customers who use their woodburner a few evenings a week over the winter, order 2 cubic metres for the winter. If you use your woodburner most evenings, you’ll probably need 3-4 cubic metres. If you use your woodburner all of the time, day and evening, then maybe 6 cubic metres or more. Please remember this does of course depend on the output and efficiency of your woodburner, as well as the type of firewood you’re ordering (for example a cubic metre of kiln-dried hardwood provides more heat than a cubic metre of seasoned softwood). If you have an open fire, because they are so inefficient, you’ll need at least 3 times the amount of firewood you’ll use in a woodburner to get the same amount of heat. How many nets of logs in a cubic metre? We pack one cubic metre of logs into 20 good size nets (net size is 450mm x 700mm). Read more about Log Quantities and how they are measured, here.